Disrupting with Love

David starts with a guided practice to bring you to a state of peace and calm and he asks you to take this opportunity to just be while you listen today. From this space of calm, he asks you to see from a more expansive perspective and get out of our narrow view of opinions and being right or wrong. 

David then shares the main part of the episode and the importance of disrupting with love instead of your ego. He shares that if you are trying to create change by trying to prove you are better or right then you will get more of that fighting and you lose the purpose of what you are trying to achieve for the young people who deserve better. 

David asks you to get really clear with where your changemaking is coming from. If you can find the spark and passion from the depths of your heart and lead from there, it is a game changer. People will follow you and you will see the ripple effect. As opposed to fighting and pushing and creating division. Get clear with the part of you that is wounded and love that part instead of projecting it out in your changemaking pursuit. 

Once you catch this energy within you that is ready to be the best version of yourself to create the change you want to see, the sky's the limit. But, you have to get clear within yourself about where this desire is coming from. 

David closes by asking what is one small step you can take today to move toward your changemaking goals. 

David is launching an intimate mastermind in mid October where he will go deep with a small group to clear blocks, live from truth, and focus on a mindset that will allow you to live a life of freedom and flow. Committing to personal growth and doing the work on themselves is an important step for changemakers in order to bring your dreams to life. Email David at david@davidkrichards.com and check out the link here to learn more:
Disrupting with Love
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