Manage Stress Take Care of Yourself and Be Healthy Selfish
Donnovan Somera Israel shares his wisdom as a wellness educator for over 30 years at Stanford University. David and Donnovan discuss the importance of self care, resource and recovery, burnout, stress management, boundaries, self love and compassion practices, perfectionism, and the teacher martyr. Throughout the conversation, Donnovan shares practical and useful tips to use in your daily life as a busy educator.
In this episode you will learn:
How to resource on the front end and recover on the back end
How to be healthy and wise selfish with your self care
Tangible micro practices to use throughout your busy life
The concept that the most boundaried people are the most generous
How your presence is the medicine
The “no” sandwich
How to fill your buckets
How perfectionism is the opposite of self compassion
The importance of self care and how to re-define it
Donnovan also shares great resources for you to review further:
Rick Hanson - The Practical Science of Happiness -
Brene Brown -
Adam Grant - The Book Give and Take -
Micro Practices -
Guy Winch - Emotional First Aid -
Roni Habib - EQ Schools -
Kristin Neff -
Tara Brach -
If you are looking for ways to be excellent AND live a more peaceful sustainable life, listen to Donnovan. You can reach him by email at:
David’s mission is to reach as many education changemakers as possible to help them be the changemaker they have always desired to be. If you feel moved by his mission, please go and rate and review the podcast or share with a friend.