The Future of School Through Community and BIG Questions

Meet Serj, Founder & CEO of City as a School, pre-building infrastructure for a new education system fit for the 21st century. A technologist with an activist stance. 

Serj is fascinating to listen to and recently is working on City as a School which is similar to Outschool but with a great twist in that they help you build industry skills by creating a portfolio that gets you hired. They are also working on a microinternship model which allows youth to do a set of projects to help them practice their skills and build their resume. 

Serj shares big ideas about reimagining education and reinventing systems by using design principles to create new systems to promote wisdom. City as a School takes advantage of the resources in a city like London and New York and offers the community opportunities via a technology platform. Serj is someone who is disrupting the “operating system” of school by creating a different system. 

He shares some super creative ideas about reimagining school by empowering teachers to be co-owners for various services like teaching a class or recruiting their friends or opening a microschool, for example. 

David and Serj discuss the future opportunities with in person learning, online learning, hybrid learning, and ultimately with AI and what the future holds as a means to disrupt our operating system of traditional schools. 

How do we create a system that allows young people to be authors of their journey and find spaces that empower them to be the best version of themselves, and create communities that are vibrant and safe for their growth? How do we disrupt the traditional way of doing things in education to show that there are new and more effective systems to be educating our children? How does AI disrupt education in a positive way for young people? These are some of the big questions (and many more) that David and Serj talk through. 

Serj recommends this resource:

You can learn more about Serj here:

And on social: 

David is launching an intimate mastermind in mid October where he will go deep with a small group to clear blocks, live from truth, and focus on a mindset that will allow you to live a life of freedom and flow. Committing to personal growth and doing the work on themselves is an important step for changemakers in order to bring your dreams to life. Email David at and check out the link here to learn more: 
The Future of School Through Community and BIG Questions
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